Your Local AAA Service Provider
251 Second Saint Onge, SD 57779
Licensed in North Dakota , South Dakota , Montana , Wyoming and Colorado
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Just wanted to drop you a note to thank you for the wonderful road service you provided for us this summer. Our steering box cracked and we had to be towed from Sundance, Wyoming to Rapid City, SD. The wrecker service you sent, Heavenly Towing, was great! The service was family owned and operated and the whole family was involved, mother, father, son and daughter. They were all friendly and very professional. I am a retired police officer and have driven large trucks, wreckers and semis for years so I know a competent wrecker driver when I see one. They did a first class job getting us to the Freightliner repair shop. The coach was towed in without any additional damage. Freightliner and Spartan Chassis got us back on the road and our motor home is great again.
Thanks for the wonderful service. Joining Good Sam and getting the road service is one of the smartest things we ever did!
- Larry Pettigrew
To Heavenly Towing
Regards to Jack Kari driver;
I want to thank your company for sending out such a wonderful person in my time of need. I broke down at the '76 rodeo and campground at Deadwood on Aug. 26, '07. Jack was so kind and helpful to me. We tried to find my family on Main St. He waited for me taking his valuable time but I couldn't find them, so he dropped me off back at the fairgrounds. My cell phone wasn't working and he let me use his. Still I couldn't reach my family. So , he towed my car to Spearfish. Meanwhile, he called my family on his own and reached them, to tell them where he left me.
I cannot thank him enough for the way he helped me . I was in great stress having a heart problem and am diabetic. My family found me and repairs ( $1200 )on car were done and we got home safe and sound.
Again , you have the bestest employee in Jack. From me and my family to you, Jack, Thanks so much!!
Helen Quick     Arvada , Co.
To Heavenly Repair;
Thank you for towing our agency  vehicle to Deadwood then to Rapid City for Repairs.
Your name for your tow truck is a God send.
Because someone was watching over us to find some one like you to tow us on a weekend.
I don't remember the gentleman and lady's names that helped us, but could you thank them for us.
Thank you Karen Mason DSP & group Heather Kleinsassen DSP
Thanks so much for rescuing our truck from it's "cliffhanger" on Wednesday . You were a real God send.
Plant Taxonomy class.
Melinda Coburn, Laura Page, Timothy Lindquist, Mathew Seda, Ben Swan, John Catana, Jenny Myung, Chris Flinn, Stanley Rice
Heavenly Repair;
Thank you so much for helping my daughter Robbie Cramer with her car. Your analysis of the engine provided me the information about it's condition that I needed. It's nice to find an auto repair shop that works with the customer and not just a quick cash outlet, replacing parts.
Thanks again, Sincerely , Rob S. Cramer
Jack ,
Thanks so much for driving all the way to Sundance to get me unstuck! I really appreciate all your hard work. I hope you enjoy the cookies.
Dear Jack, Kim, Jason, Rebecca, Jacob, and Wendy,
Thanks so much for all your wonderful help and all the extra things you do to keep us up and running. You are greatly appreciated.
Thanks again.
Ellen, Erin, and Tara
Thank you very much Jack. You are the best towing guy I know.
 Dear Editor;
When you come to a bend in the road , it really isn't the end of the road...unless you fail to make the turn.
On July 30th we came to a "bend in the road" when our RV lost it's brakes at the top of a mountain (hill) near Deadwood.
It was a helpless feeling and an eye opener for our family. What if we hadn't checked our brakes ?
Was it God's intervention ? It's hard to deny when you recieve help from a business called "Heavenly Repairs". Heavenly Repairs not only towed our RV into town but provided electricity and a quiet spot for overnight accomodations. The next morning at 8am they started working on the brakes. They provided a vehicle for us to go to Spearfish and look around while we waited.
The town of Saint Onge may be a small town but they are a small town with a big heart.
Thank you Heavenly Repairs for helping us make the "turn in the road" we will never forget your kindness.
Duane and Laura Woebbeking
Back on Good Friday of 2002 you and your family welcomed a group of high school students from our community and repaired the vaccum pump on one of the Ford vans they were traveling in. You opened your home to 29 people who enjoyed the warmth and space as they ate their supper as you and your family worked on the van. By the time the group had finished their supper you had finished the repairs and the vans continued their journey to Juarez,Mexico where the group served at a local church, helping to build a home for a family who needed one.
Since that time group members have told and retold the story  of how God provided Heavenly Repairs to a crippled vehicle in a foreign land. That event is still one of the high lights of that trip. We continue to thank God for bringing you and your family into the picture on a day when we thought we were in for a major interruption in our trip.
I am now interested in discovering a little more about your family business, when you began, why you do what you do and how God is involved in your business and in your relationships with your customers. Why did you name the business "Heavenly Repairs" ? Do you have a stated purpose or mission statement for your business ?
We are to far away to send a lot of busness your way but we would if we could. If these questions are to intrusive please disregard them. But if you do have time to shed some light on those questions I know our team would really appreciate it. And thanks again for your hospitality and care for our team and for the good work you did on our van.
Pastor Rick Klippenstein
CE & Youth Pastor
Caronport Community Church
Jack and family
My wife and I Sincerely Appreciate Your Hospitality and Professional Ability, in making Very Timely Repairs to our Motor Home when we Broke down South of Sundance Wy. I was  Truly Amazed that it took you only a Very Short Time to Diagnose the Problem and Obtain the Necessary Parts . We will Always Remember the Positive Attitude and "Personal Touch" Demonstrated by Your Entire Family.
Sincerely   Gaye & Jim File
Dear Heavenly Repair,
I am not sure who to address this to , because we forgot the name of the mechanic who so kindly helped us. I believe he was one of the sons of the owners.
We were the people in the white oldsmobile 88 who ran out of gas and whom he gave a ride into town to pick up gas free of charge. We were on our way up to Canada to start a bicycle trip that would end in Guatemala.
We just wanted to say thanks for his kindness. It was people like him who helped us along our journey , and why we are home and safe and sound.
You Guys truly run a "Heavenly" shop. He told us of how it's a family run business. It sounded like a good hearted place.
With much thanks Consuelo Marie Guaenbano 
                          Raymond Thompson
                          Karl Thompson
Just a short note to say Thank you so much for all your help and kindness you gave to me and my husband. You were certainly an angel sent to us in entire need that night. Heavenly Repairs is the right name for you and your services. Thanks once again and God Bless You.
Two very Thankful People
John and Jo Tornow
Thank you Above All For Your Honesty With The Public.
The Very Best To You All In The New Year.
This is just a note of Aloha from Hawaii to thank you for your efforts on Labor day. From Wendy's seventy mile tow from Buffalo to Jack, Jake, & Jason's work with my friend Gabe to get his car running again. It was heart warming to experience a generous , close knit family working and serving together, a great testimony to what is still right with America.
God bless you good folks and enjoy.
Mark Lepick
PS. We made it back to Billings fine.
Just wanted to say thank you for your excellent , expedient service when my clutch line leak occured a few weeks ago on my way to Wisconson. I had no further problems . You have a great shop .
Sincerely . Amy Simantl
(the woman with the fat cat)
Do you remember picking up a large family an August 7th in Wyoming? We still really appreciate what you did for us. The problem with the van was a spark plug cap! We were able to leave Spearfish around noon!
It was so good to be home.
Thank you again for your kindness!
I never got your name but I hope you get this. Thank you so much for stopping and changing my tire for me! I really wasn't sure what to do and as I said my husband was working in Gillette . It's so nice to know that there still are kind people out there. I can't thank you enough!
Amanda Garoutte
Thanks for fixing my fuel tank and getting me back on the road!
The Green Truck.
Richard Granger
Jacob and Amy;
Thank you for saving us along I-90 after we lost our right front wheel. Your suggestion to return to Spearfish and have the Auto Doctor was spot on. Dale Frasier fixed us up and had us on our way the next day. We arrived safe and sound in Bellingham, Washington with no further mishaps. Even though towing is your job, scouting the fields for our elusive tire and delivering us to expert help and lodging isn't. I can't thank you both enough for your advise, help, and friendly service. Thank you again.   Sincerely , Bruce Rowell 

Just checking in.  Not a good week.  Car broke down in another State and will probably not be fixable.  Tried to make the best of it.  Called AAA and they sent a tow truck out to check out my van and give me a tow if necessary.  At first he offered to tow me for free for 45 mi.  AAA would only cover 5.  Which would leave us 50 more to get home.  My mechanic said he would get my van the next day.  Now we only had to get ourselves home!  Well, it was myself, my 15yo daughter and our Dog.  After checking the van, the towing mechanic said he didn't think it was too bad.  We should be able to continue or drive back home.  We were at the halfway point of our trip.  I decided to go back home and the tow truck driver said he would follow us the 45mi to Spearfish.  We stopped at a rest area and my car sounded horrible!  The van was in very bad condition and would not make it back home.  Good thing I choose to go back with him following.  So, he loads my van on the flatbed.  Now we had to decide where to park it so that my mechanic could pick it up.  We continued to Spearfish.  My daughter, myself, and the dog in the van on the flatbed.  We were making an adventure out of the whole ordeal.  On our way to Spearfish, we decided to walk home.  Since it would take about 8 hours and it was already around 4:30pm.  We decided to walk as far as we could before it got dark, go to a hotel, and then continue the next day.  I wasn't to worried.  We had a big dog, a cell phone, and a GPS (although we didn't need it) and my daughter grabbed the atlas from the van (didn't really need that either.  I'm sure it made it feel more like an adventure to my daughter using the atlas.  So as we got closer to Spearfish, the driver called me on the cell phone and asked if I wanted him to tow the truck to his town which was 10 miles closer to home.  He would still drop us off at Spearfish.  When he asked if we had a way home from there, we told him that we were going to walk some and when we got tired, we would call family or friends to pick us up.  We passed Spearfish and about 15 minutes later, I realized that he purposely passed his exit.  I called him a few times but he didn't answer.  I think he had his phone turned off.  The closer we got we were figuring how many hours it would take.  From about 8 hours to 6 and then 4....and my phone rings.  He had decide to take us all the way home at no cost!!  I assured him that we would be fine but he said he couldn't do that.  He took us all the way home.  After the van (and us!) were unloaded in front of my house, he left.  No card, nothing.  A short time later he called once more and said we should check out his website.  I told him that I realized after he left that I didn't even have a card for his business.  You will not believe the name of his towing company.  Are you ready?  Heavenly Towing.  Talk about being Heaven Sent!  Here is their web address:  www.heavenlytowing.com

What a day.
Dear Kim , Jack , and the rest of the folks at Heavenly Towing;
   Thanks so much for your help when our car broke down in July. You took good care lf us , getting us to a mechanic and a hotel. We appreciated your patience in holding the car while we figured out what to do with it. We have it safely at home in good driving condition.
Thanks so much, Teresa, Ally, & Amanda