
Home      FAQ

Can I get a quote ?    
Yes ; call with your request and we will be happy to give you a qoute. We accept Visa ,Mastercard, Discover, Cash, local checks, travels checks.
Does it cost more to have a car towed at night ?
Yes ; if you can have it towed in the day time it will save you a $20 night charge.
What if I had to leave my car on the roadside , will the police have it towed ?
If you break down on the roadside and have to leave your vehicle , call the police , sheriff's dept. or Highway Patrol  and tell them you are making arrangements to have it removed so they don't have it towed. If you can leave a message on the window telling them how you are making arrangements this will help an officer who happens upon it.
I went into the ditch and some damage was done to my car , do I need to notify the police?
South Dakota codified law ( click here to read the law) states that any property damage done in excess of $1,000 to any one persons property , ie. auto , needs to be reported to the police. Of course if you did any damage to someone elses property ( click here for the law on damage to someone elses property ) you must contact the police , Wyo. and Montana as well as other states have similar laws.
Will you tow someone elses car parked in my parking spot ?
No; we require the owners permission.
Will you tow my car even though I had to leave it and am no longer with it.
Yes; if you make arrangements for payment we would be happy to tow an unattended vehicle.
Do you have room for my family to ride ?
Yes ; we custom build our trucks for the purpose of serving you better.
Can you store my vehicle until I can get back to it or have the insurance adjuster look at it ?
Yes ; call or Email us for storage prices.
If we have AAA can we call you direct ?
No ; AAA South Dakota and AAA Wyoming and Montana have become part of a larger AAA service provider group, and we must now recieve our dispatches through their online portal. click here for AAA assistance
Will we get a copy of what you charged AAA for my service call ?
No; we don't make tickets or receipts for AAA. We have a closed contract with AAA and they figure up the amount of each service call and send us a check every 2 weeks.
Can we go straight to you and send the bill to AAA for reimbursment ?
You may pay us directly and apply for reimbursement through AAA , however the amount you are reimbursed is at AAAs discretion and  seldom covers the entire service. We recommend you call AAA to have us dispatched.1-800-AAA-help or contact AAA online      
Do you have other contracts ( insurance companies etc. ) which we may have coverage through ?
Yes we do ; however they are very complicated and usually consumer specific . There are a few insurance companies that allow us to bill them directly rather than you paying us. You would need to call us with your policy number so we can verify coverage.